CID the Dummy

CID THE DUMMY is a platform game that grabs you straight away with its amusing blend of action and puzzle-filled gameplay. Based around the multiple opportunities for a Crash Impact Dummy to get into mischief, the game blends classic platform elements such as timed jumps, collecting pick-ups, defeating enemies, and challenging boss battles with more cerebral elements such as puzzles, clever weapon use and route finding.

《CID the Dummy》是一款以冒险和解谜为主题的动作游戏,玩家将控制一个名为CID的小木偶,利用他的特技和技能穿越各个关卡。游戏的场景设定在一个充满挑战和障碍的环境中,玩家需要解决各种谜题,与敌人战斗,寻找隐藏的物品,以完成任务并解锁新区域。通过不同的玩法和丰富的故事情节,玩家将体验一个充满乐趣的冒险旅程。

  • 游戏标题: CID the Dummy
  • 游戏编号: SLES-550792
  • 模拟器运行状态: 未知
  • ISO下载地址 文件大小:715.66 MiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等