Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts delivers intense hunting action in exotic locations throughout the world. Encounter some of the world's most ferocious animals, such as Grizzlies, Leopards, Rhinos, and Cape Buffaloes in palm-sweating, heart-pounding hunting action. Equipped with authentic gear including rifles, handguns, crossbows, and knives, and scopes, you have everything you need to go against Mother Nature's fiercest creatures. You'll soon realize first-hand what every hunter fears most in terrifying "kill or be killed" hunting action.
《Cabela's Dangerous Hunts》是一款狩猎模拟游戏,玩家将在各种危险的环境中进行狩猎,面对不同的野生动物。游戏中提供了多种武器和装备,玩家需要运用策略和技巧,在众多生物面前生存并完成狩猎任务。该系列以其真实的狩猎体验和紧张刺激的游戏玩法而受到玩家的喜爱。
- 游戏标题: Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
- 游戏编号: SLES-52106/ANZ,SLES-52106/GER
- 模拟器运行状态: 未知
- ISO下载地址 文件大小:4.13 GiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等