咖啡小愿望 - 魔法食谱
An unknown and starving young man enters in a small restaurant called “Cafe Little Wish.” After gorging on everything without knowing he doesn’t have any money, he tries to escape but is thwarted by the strength of the waitresses. It’s later revealed he’s an amnesiac who doesn’t even know his own name. In a gesture of pity and generosity, the owner hires him to work off his debt. The story begins with our protagonist known furthermore as “Leon” and his life in Cafe Little Wish.
《咖啡小愿望 - 魔法食谱》是一款结合了模拟经营与冒险元素的温馨游戏。在游戏中,玩家将经营一家小咖啡馆,调制各种美味的饮品和甜点,同时通过探索与魔法的结合,解锁不同的食谱和故事情节。玩家可以与各式各样的顾客互动,满足他们的需求,并逐渐提升咖啡馆的声誉,发掘隐藏的魔法元素,体验独特的故事和角色发展。
- 游戏标题: Cafe Little Wish - Mahou no Recipe
- 游戏编号: SLPM-65294
- 模拟器运行状态: 未知
- ISO下载地址 文件大小:3.58 GiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等