
Cheggers Party Quiz is a typical quiz game starring UK TV presenter Keith Chegwin. One playing round consists of eight questions (mostly about movies) and up to four players. Every time a question is asked the players are presented with four answer possibilities. If one of them thinks he knows the answer he buzzes in and selects the answer - if it is correct he receives money. Who has the most money at the end of the round wins. Between the questions Chegwin makes humorous remarks.

《Cheggers Party Quiz》是一款有趣的派对游戏,玩家通过回答各种幽默且富有挑战性的问题来竞争积分。游戏通常由多轮组成,包括不同类型的问答,旨在考验玩家的知识,快速反应能力和团队配合。适合家庭或朋友聚会时一起玩。

  • 游戏标题: Cheggers Party Quiz
  • 游戏编号: SLES-549572
  • 模拟器运行状态: 未知
  • ISO下载地址 文件大小:1.20 GiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等