Ouse Satsuki, a second year student of Sakurazono Gakuen receives one day on his cell phone a message from a stranger. The address of the sender is from a student on campus, but in the school there isn't any student with that name. Is the sender someone from the student council, or is it someone else?
《Cherry Blossom》是一款以樱花为主题的休闲模拟游戏,玩家可以在美丽的樱花树下进行各种活动,如赏花、拍照和参加节日庆典。游戏中的精美画面和轻松氛围让玩家能够享受宁静的春日时光,同时还可以解锁不同的角色和互动元素,体验樱花季节的独特魅力。
- 游戏标题: Cherry Blossom
- 游戏编号: SLPS-25444
- 模拟器运行状态: Playable
- ISO下载地址 文件大小:2.78 GiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等