
Story centers on a 17 year old guy by the name of Hideki Motosuwa, he resides in an alternate universe that's filled with things known as Persocoms. A Persocom is a Personal Computer. Unfortunately though, Hideki could never afford a Persocom of his own, and the story begins with him finding an unattended, tied up Persocom in a pile of trash, he takes it home and later discovers as the story progresses that his Persocom is not completely ordinary.


  • 游戏标题: Chobits - Chii dake no Hito
  • 游戏编号: SLPM-65255
  • 模拟器运行状态: 未知
  • ISO下载地址 文件大小:2.05 GiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等