帝国时代 II:国王的时代
The Age of Kings is set in the Middle Ages and contains thirteen playable civilizations. They are the Britons, Byzantines, Celts, Chinese, Franks, Goths, Japanese, Mongols, Persians, Saracens, Teutons, Turks, and the Vikings. Players aim to gather resources, which they use to build towns, create armies, and defeat their enemies. There are five historically based campaigns, which constrict the player to specialized and story-backed conditions
《帝国时代 II:国王的时代》是一款由微软开发的即时战略游戏,发行于1999年。游戏设定在中世纪,玩家可以选择多个历史文明,通过建设城镇、采集资源、训练军队与其他玩家或电脑对手进行战争。游戏包括多种单人战役和多人对战模式,玩家需要制定策略,发展经济,研究科技,最终征服敌人,成就自己的帝国。该游戏因其深度的策略 gameplay 和丰富的历史背景而广受欢迎。
- 游戏标题: Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings
- 游戏编号: SLES-50282
- 模拟器运行状态: Playable
- ISO下载地址 文件大小:603.58 MiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等