Agent Hugo

Hugo, the TV troll from the Danish television series, is on his way to start his first day at the espionage agency R.I.S.K. (Risky Intelligent Spy Knights) when he is attacked by members of the sinister organization SUSPECTRA. Their plans are threatening the entire city, but Agent Hugo soon discovers there is even more at stake.

《Agent Hugo》是一款动作冒险游戏,玩家将扮演睿智的间谍哈古(Hugo),在各种关卡中进行任务,解锁谜题,打击敌对势力。游戏结合了幽默元素和多样的玩法,玩家需要利用哈古的独特技能,与可爱的角色互动,完成各项挑战,最终拯救被绑架的朋友。

  • 游戏标题: Agent Hugo
  • 游戏编号: SLES-53910
  • 模拟器运行状态: 未知
  • ISO下载地址 文件大小:411.17 MiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等