
With Bode Miller Alpine Skiing you can select a pre-existing skier or create your own. Either way, you take your skier and build them into a top Alpine athlete. Remember, though that behind every great athlete is a great manager and trainer, and this game makes no exception. The player must select a manager that suits their play style and abilities, likewise they must choose a trainer that will address the areas they need the most help in and create a training regime that will build the skills and abilities of their skier.

《Bode Miller Alpine Skiing》是一款以著名滑雪运动员博德·米勒为主题的滑雪模拟游戏,玩家可以体验高速滑行的刺激感,参与各种滑雪比赛和挑战,提升自己的滑雪技能,感受雪山的魅力。游戏通过真实的物理引擎和精美的画面重现滑雪的真实体验。

  • 游戏标题: Bode Miller Alpine Skiing
  • 游戏编号: SLUS-21381
  • 模拟器运行状态: Playable
  • ISO下载地址 文件大小:241.26 MiB 建议使用IDM,百度云离线等